Sunday, February 23, 2014

Why I decided to get Breast Augmentation

Hi Friends! : ) I wanted to create a blog about my journey with breast augmentation with the purpose of informing other woman of this procedure. If you are thinking about breast augmentation or just want to become knowledgeable of this particular surgery then read on because this blog will benefit you!

I of course wanted to make my first post about WHY I decided to get breast augmentation. This is not a justification post, this is simply to let people know what intrigued me to get this done. I know when I was researching breast augmentation stories I was always interested in hearing other women talk about why they decided to get it done. I often times found out how their story related to mine and it always made me feel good when I realized I wasn't alone with how I felt.

I will start off by saying I was a late bloomer from the get-go. I remember being in 8th grade and all my other friends started menstruating and I didn't. I saw my friends boobs start to blossom and I just figured okay, when I start to menstruate I too will blossom like them! I cant wait! Well guess what, I turned 14 and nothing happened. I turned 15 and nothing happened. Finally, I turned 16 and started menstruating, but I never blossomed like the rest of the girls. Damn it! HUGE LET DOWN! I was very thin compared to my classmates. I was 5'7 in high school at 100-105 lbs. My weight didn't bother me at the time, but I can remember clear as day even back then that my boobs bothered me. I had it in my head that as time went on I would develop. WRONG. Very, very wrong! I graduated college the same size I graduated high school with. 34A. Ugh! Talk about a big disappointment!

After I graduated college, I started living on my own, and that's when I first thought about breast augmentation. I stumbled across girls who knew of people who had it done. I started to become very intrigued by it, but didn't think I could ever afford it. I always thought, cosmetic surgery, insurance wont pay for it, therefore it will be extremely expensive. And after all, I am just a broke student loan paying alumni trying to make ends meet with my first job after college! Lets work on upgrading from eating $1.50 a box Kraft Mac and Cheese on the daily (so I could buy more important things like makeup, clothes and shoes obviously!) and then maybe we can start thinking about spending thousands of dollars on a pair of boobs!

A couple years went by and I finally started to get financially stable at 25 years old and for the first time felt like my college degree actually meant something! I became pregnant for the first time and heard and witnessed all the pregnant women's boobs double and sometimes triple in size. Yes! I cant wait! Well, just like they didn't appear after menstruation, and how they didn't appear in college, they didn't appear in pregnancy either! What. the. HELL. My boobs are HELPLESS! Mom, what happened to the boob gene? Why did you not pass down this gold standard gene?

I ended up gaining nearly 60 lbs during pregnancy and maybe, MAYBE a pound of it went to my boobs. I had my son in 2012 and was still a size A cup. I started to get into fitness after I have my son in order to lose the baby weight. I did Insanity everyday at home and lost the weight very fast, in just a few months time. I went right back to being 110 lb, thin framed Marlena. And that was the first time I felt bad about my weight AND my boobs. Double whammy! I decided I was going to do something about my weight and I miraculously still had a little bit of hope that if I gained some weight my boobs would develop. I started lifting weights and over time I became very serious with it. I was hooked! I started "bulking" which was simply eating a high caloric diet filled with protein, carbs, and some fats to gain weight and build muscle. I was successful at gaining weight and gaining muscle, but not on getting passed a 34A.

 I looked in the mirror and saw curves. I developed hips and full round glutes that stuck out, and to me for the first time, I looked like a woman and felt like a WOMAN! I was in love with my new curves, my new me, but there was something missing, something obviously missing and obviously being the key word. I had wonderful curves on my hips, glutes, legs, arms, shoulders, but no curves on my chest, just a flat slope! My chest was holding me back from fully feeling like woman.
(These are MY own personal thoughts regarding MYSELF. These thoughts of mine aren't to be confused with how I feel about other females and whether or not they look like a woman. Just because you are thin doesn't mean I don't think you look like a woman. This is SOLEY how I feel about MYSELF. I really hope I don't offend anyone by my thoughts that are reflected about how I see myself, not others! )

Anyway, after almost a year of lifting, putting on 25 lbs, most of it being muscle, and developing even larger curves on my physique, but still being a 34A I said enough is enough! I have exhausted all avenues to develop my boobs, I have given them MORE than enough time to develop. I DESERVE THIS! I want to look and feel like a true women inside and out!  I started seriously and I mean seriously, researching and reading about breast augmentation and personal experiences with it. To my surprise I didn't stumble across many personal stories at all! I was disappointmented about that part. I watched a few videos of it online on youtube, but only a handful were informative and beneficial. (I am hoping my blog will be more benenfitical to ladies!)

When I gathered as much information as I possibly could from the computer and read both the positive and negative aspects to the surgery I knew 110% I was going through with the surgery. I am financially stable. My son is now a toddler and has more independence. I am a stay at home mom at the moment and have the next few months to continue to stay at home before school in the fall. The timing is right to get the surgery!

 It was always important to me that I had my priorities in check. I didn't want to be that person that couldn't pay her bills, but was saving money to get breast augmentation. I didn't want to take out a loan for breast augmentation and make payments on that loan, but miss payments on my car loan. I didn't want to get the surgery when my son was first born, when he needed me the most and not be able to take adequate care of him. And most importantly I didn't want to get the surgery if I knew there was something I wasn't doing in order to help develop my boobs. I tried EVERYTHING. I made sure everything was right money wise, with my son, and with where I was at in life so it didn't effect anyone or anything in my life negatively.  I wanted to be responsible and I wanted to be smart with my decision.

To me, its not just about the WHY you want or WHY you are getting breast augmentation that is important, but its if its RIGHT when you decide to go through with it. Is the timing truly right? The timing is really something that needs to be thought about thoroughly. It is easy to get caught up all the amazing aspects and thrills of getting breast augmentation and you ignore your money situation and whatever else your life entails. I wouldn't suggest going through with a surgery that cost thousands of dollars if you really can't afford it. It took me until I was 27 years old to be able to afford it and I have no shame in that! I believe when everything is right that is the only way you can get the FULL benefits of enjoyment from this surgery. So make sure the timing is right! Don't rush into it!

Now we are at the point where many of you are wondering about the costs and that's what will lead me to tomorrows post which I will title my "Consultations." I will cover costs about the surgery, talk about the surgery itself, the options you are able to choose from regarding implants, the surgeons I went to, and my general feelings about the whole consultation process. Thanks for reading and I hope to benefit you more along the way as I go through this journey with you all!




  1. Nice post. It is very useful and informative for women. I like your post. Thanks for sharing.
    Dr. Michael A. Fiorillo

  2. This was just the information I was looking for. I have been thinking about getting a breast augmentation for a while now. I decided to do some research to learn more about the procedure and what to expect.I hope you can post breast augmentation photos as well. That would be a big help. Thanks.

  3. Hi,
    Thank You For an Informative article.Keep doing good work!Anyways, Could you tell me How Much Does It Cost?Inframammary Breast Implants

  4. ניתוח חזה ד"ר שגית משולם דרזון כירורגית פלסטית, כירורגיה פלסטית, מומחית כירורגית פלסטית, רופאה בכירה ומנהלת תחום הכירורגיה המשחזרת של השד במרכז רפואי רבין (בילינסון) בפתח-תקווה. מנהלת מרפאה לניתוחים אסתטיים ושחזוריים וכן טיפולים קוסמטים כירורגית פלסטית, כירורגיה פלסטית, מומחית כירורגית פלסטית בהרצליה פיתוח

  5. I just want to add that from an aesthetic view, breast implants provide both necessary breast size and push them being a push up bra because implants can be found placed under the pectoral muscle which assists them.

    breast augmentation Philippines

  6. Thanks for sharing this information with us, The technique of Breast Enlargement in Gurugram combined with other non-invasive procedures like laser treatments and breast want to have larger and shapely breasts to make them feel completed and confident enough to try well-fitted clothes.
